Como o complexo industrial militar está a destruir os EUA e com ele o mundo

Why We Fight (part 4 of 10)

Parte do discurso de Eisenhower em que este avisa o povo americano sobre o Complexo Industrial Militar.

Why We Fight

Military-Congressional-Industrial Complex
It’s kind of surprising, but assuming Eisenhower really believed and fought for these things, then if Brasscheck TV were a person, Brasscheck would an Eisenhower Republican.

I read somewhere that Eisenhower originally wanted to call the
“Military-Industrial Complex” the “Military-Congressional-Industrial Complex.”

I wish he had.

This footage comes from an excellent documentary called “Why We Fight.”

Unfortunately, it could also be called “Why We’re F***ed”

On the other hand, the biggest part of the problem is sheer ignorance and that is curable.

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2 Respostas

  1. […] kind of surprising, but assuming Eisenhower really believed and fought … fique por dentro clique aqui. Fonte: […]

  2. […] e uso de armas no Espaço por parte do Complexo Militar Industrial que também já havia sido criticado por Eisenhower, terá afirmado à sua confidente a Dra Carol Sue Rosin, que foi a porta voz do cientista e que é […]

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