Porque nos escondem os acontecimentos do mundo? Por onde andam os Jornalistas?

Desde há muito que não suporto a nossa comunicação social, é do pior que se pode encontrar, pior só provavelmente nos EUA.

Estes senhores quer da imprensa, quer das rádios e televisões só passam ou escrevem, vulgaridades ou algo que lhes interessa, defendendo sempre os poderosos deste país, desde empresas a particulares, os clubes de futebol e seus apaniguados são dos mais protegidos, se não o fossem como explicar milhões de euros para estádios e investigação nula sobre o que esses senhores fazem e dizem.

Quanto à política nem é preciso falar, só “fait-divers”, sem conteúdo, sem investigação, sem debate, sem contradição, no fundo sem uma única notícia com pés e cabeça sobre o que realmente se passa quer no país quer no mundo, já para não dizer que mais uma vez quem está na mó de cima é sempre levado ao colo sem uma única crítica.

No dia 26 de Fevereiro de 2008, à dois dias atrás, ocorreu um interessantíssimo debate no parlamento Europeu sobre um documentário italiano, que coloca em causa as “explicações” oficiais sobre os atentados de 11 de Setembro de 2001 (9/11), o documentário chama-se “ZERO, an investigation into the events of 9/11”.

Este debate teve como participantes pessoas que não são maluquinhos da net, mas sim pessoas que têm vindo a estudar os acontecimentos daquele trágico dia de forma meticulosa e cientifica, pessoas como o antigo ministro da defesa do SPD, Andreas Von Bulow, do deputado japonês Yukihisa Fujita do escritor e teólogo, David Ray Griffin, Sibel Edmonds (ex-agente do FBI) bem como arquitectos, engenheiros e pilotos de aviação.

Já noutro post tinha colocado informação sobre a apresentação do deputado Fujita no parlamento japonês, agora foi a apresentação no Parlamento Europeu.

Mas porque raio é que em nenhum meio de informação do nosso país nos foi comunicado que houve este debate?
Procurei em diversos e não o encontrei, como tal resolvi questionar alguns, como a SIC, RTP (afinal supostamente é paga por todos nós e pública), TVI, Público, Antena1 e Lusa (mais uma vez pagas por nós).

Aguardo respostas, que não creio as venha a conhecer.

Já não peço que sejam prescientes e que adivinhem o futuro como a famosa jornalista inglesa da BBC que nesse dia meia hora antes do acontecimento, adivinhou que o WTC7 iria cair, ou melhor, já teria caído.

Mas PODEM por favor informarem-nos do que se passa realmente a nível da UE? Do Parlamento? Que raio, do Mundo!!?

Creio que se tratou de algo histórico e de extrema importância quer para os EUA quer para a UE, quer para todo o mundo, e mais uma vez ficou por noticiar.

Porque não noticiam estes acontecimentos? Têm algo a temer? Escondem algo? São forçados a não os comunicar?

Alguma informação adicional:

911truth.org ::::: ZERO : Europe for an Independent Inquiry into 9/11 – Report on Brussels

BRUSSELS, European Parliament, 26th February 2008.
Mark Dermul (www.911belgium) reporting.

On Tuesday 26th February, Europarliamentarian Guilietto Chiesa invited his colleagues and the press to attend the screening and debate of the Italian-produced documentary named ‘ZERO, an investigation into the events of 9/11’. Object of the screening was to create political awareness of the faulty official investigation into the events by the 9/11 Commission.

Besides Mr Chiesa, the panel consisted of Japanese parliamentarian Fujita, Dr David Ray Griffin, film distributor Tim Sparke & the director and producers of the film.

After his opening statements, Mr Chiesa welcomed his guest speakers. Then he pointed out that he was unable to find any distributor in his native country of Italy and was happy to find a company in the UK, led by Mr Tim Sparke, to handle worldwide distribution of this important film. ‘It is important to realize,’ he emphasized ‘that the movie was made thanks to contribution and donations of hundreds of citizens who feel a new investigation is more than warranted.’ No less than 450 people worked on this documentary on a voluntary basis. They never received any kind of payment. Their reward is the movie itself, which they feel is an instrument to create awareness and a means to provoke a political debate in Europe.

911truth.org ::::: ZERO : Europe for an Independent Inquiry into 9/11 – Report on Brussels

Chiesa: ‘The film is the primary instrument to get the debate going. It is a collection of discoveries, by many respected researches from around the globe (the film features, among others, Gore Vidal, Sibel Edmonds, Dario Fo, David Ray Griffin, Dr Steven Jones, Dr Kevin Ryan, Webster Tarpley, Barbara Honegger, FAA-controllers, USAF pilots, military commanders, physicists – ed. note). But they are still questions. The movie doesn’t provide the answers. It only lays bare the questions that remain, that were left unanswered by the official investigation and need to be answered by the US government.’

Livros interessantes:

Debunking 9/11 Debunking: An Answer to Popular Mechanics and Other Defenders of the Official Conspiracy Theory

9/11 CONTRADICTIONS: An Open Letter to Congress and the Press

The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions And Distortions

9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA, Fourth Edition

The War On Truth: 9/11, Disinformation And The Anatomy Of Terrorism

Sibel Edmonds:


Sibel Edmonds Interview

Deputado Fujita no Parlamento Japonês:

9/11 Japan Parlament 11. September 2001 Fujita

Professor Jones, ex-BYUniversity:

Professor Steven Jones : 9/11 Symposium 11/03/07

Dr. David Ray Griffin

9/11 The Myth and the Reality: Dr. David Ray Griffin

Arquitectos e Engenheiros (Richard Gage):

9/11 Blueprint for Truth presented by Architect Richard Gage, AIA

Pilotos de aviação:

Pandora’s Black Box – Flight Of American 77 (New 9/11 docu).avi



Documentários online:


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Canivete Suiço para os Linux-Unix, as famosas cheat sheets

Estas folhinhas milagrosas são fantásticas para desenrascar rápidamente quando a memória nos prega partidas…infelizmente é cada vez mais, esta coisa de ter o google a dar respostas a quase tudo, faz-nos perder a ginástica mental…

Encontrei à pouco este site com uma imensa variedade de cheat-sheets, agradeço aos seus autores e ao Scott Klarr pela compilação.

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Linux-Unix cheat sheets – The ultimate collection

Posted By Scott Klarr on Feb 07, 2008 at 6:15 am
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Kosovo, UE e a subserviência Portuguesa

Já começa a tornar-se irritante a subserviência doentia a que o pseudo-primeiro-ministro submete um país com mais de 800 anos de história, Portugal.

Este incompetente que nos desgoverna pretende atirar mais uma acha para a fogueira dos Balcãs, acedendo mais uma vez aos caprichos do senhores dos USA e de alguns todo poderosos da UE, como é o caso da Alemanha, França, entre outros.

Primeiro foi a aldrabice do “tratado de Lisboa”, promete que haveria referendo e nada acontece, explicação do sr. engenheiro?!, não se trata da famosa constituição Europeia, como tal não e necessário referendo e ainda, segundo o próprio, criaria mau ambiente, especialmente em relação ao Reino Unido.
Pergunto eu, mas que temos nós a ver com os senhores do Reino Unido, por acaso eles também nos consultam sobre a utilização ainda da libra, das fronteiras fechadas, da não utilização do sistema internacional, etc etc?

Será que o pseudo-primeiro-ministro já se questionou sobre a validade de semelhante reconhecimento? Será que já se questionou sobre os verdadeiros interesses dos USA e do UK naquela zona do mundo?

Será que o pseudo-primeiro-ministro tem conhecimento de que a força Delta, e a SAS britânica tem estado a dar formação de combate e comunicações a terroristas com o apoio e conhecimento de todos os lados, do braço direito de Bin Laden, o seu “general” mais importante?

3. Al-Qaeda in the Balkans

“Successive US administrations have used al-Qaeda to pursue strategic
interests in the Balkans. A further examination of this issue, however,
reveals that the US-al-Qaeda alliance in the Balkans has been
instrumental in facilitating successive terrorist attacks against US
targets. Nevertheless, the alliance continues to this day. As the
London Spectator noted:
America’s role in
backing the Mujahideen a second time in the early and mid-1990’s is
seldom mentioned… From 1992 to 1995, the Pentagon assisted with the
movement of thousands of Mujahideen and other Islamic elements from
Central Asia into Europe, to fight alongside Bosnian Muslims against
the Serbs… If Western intervention in Afghanistan created the
Mujahideen, Western intervention in Bosnia appears to have globalised
it. (9)”

(…)”The policy of connecting with al-Qaeda in the Balkans continued in
relation to the Kosovo conflict. As early as 1998, the US State
Department listed the KLA as a terrorist organization connected to
al-Qaeda. (12) Other US intelligence reports prove that not only is the
KLA funded from afar by al-Qaeda, numerous KLA fighters have trained in
al-Qaeda camps in Afghanistan and Albania, and numerous al-Qaeda
mujihadeen have joined the ranks of the KLA. The reports substantiate a
“link” between bin Laden and the KLA, “including a common staging area
in Tropoje, Albania, a center for Islamic terrorists.” KLA-sponsored
border crossings into Kosovo from Albania of hundreds of foreign
fighters include “veterans of the militant group Islamic Jihad from
Bosnia, Chechnya and Afghanistan,” carrying forged Macedonian Albanian
passports. (13)

Será que mais uma vez vamos enviar soldados/GNR para a morte, para defender os interesses mesquinhos e imperialistas dos USA/UK por causa de algo como isto?

Fanning the Flames of Ethnic War in Macedonia (by Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed) – Media Monitors Network

Military-Economic Policy in the Balkans and Macedonia

II.I The Pipeline Project

The Federal Republic of Macedonia plays a key role in Western interests in the Balkans. At the heart of traditional trade routes, north-south and east-west, Macedonia is the key to stability in the southern Balkans.[18] Macedonia is also crucially located in relation to energy corridors. The NATO intervention in Kosovo from the beginning had wider-than-Kosovo aims including the protection of routes allowing Western access to regional energy resources that cross Macedonia.
General Jackson, commander of NATO troops in the region, specifically highlighted this long-term economic interest: “We will certainly stay here for a long time in order to guarantee the safety of the energy corridors which cross Macedonia”.[19] It is clear that Jackson’s remark relates particularly to plans to establish pipelines in the Balkans to Caspian oil. The respected London daily, The Guardian, elaborates that:
“A project called the Trans-Balkan pipeline has been little-reported in any British, European or American newspaper. The line will run from the Black sea port of Burgas to the Adriatic at Vlore, passing through Bulgaria, Macedonia and Albania. It is likely to become the main route to the west for the oil and gas now being extracted in central Asia. It will carry 750,000 barrels a day.”[20]

Sibel Edmonds, Narco-Terror, 9/11 | 911Blogger.com

Sibel Edmonds, “The Highjacking of a Nation, Part 2”:

“…For Al Qaeda’s network Turkey is a haven for its sources of funding. Turkish networks, along with Russians’, are the main players in these [Afghan poppy] fields; they purchase the opium from Afghanistan and transport it through several Turkic speaking Central Asian states into Turkey, where the raw opium is processed into popular byproducts; then the network transports the final product into Western European and American markets via their partner networks in Albania. … These operations are run by mafia groups closely controlled by the MIT (Turkish Intelligence Agency) and the military. … The Turkish government, MIT and the Turkish military, not only sanctions, but also actively participates in and oversees the narcotics activities and networks.”

Sibel Edmonds, Narco-Terror, 9/11 | 911Blogger.com

Daniel Ellsberg, quoted by Lukery, audio here:

“…Al Qaeda, she’s (Sibel’s) been saying to congress, according to these interviews, is financed 95% by drug money – drug traffic to which the US government shows a blind eye, has been ignoring, because it very heavily involves allies and assets of ours – such as Turkey, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Pakistan, Afghanistan – all the ‘Stans – in a drug traffic where the opium originates in Afghanistan, is processed in Turkey, and delivered to Europe where it furnishes 96% of Europe’s heroin, by Albanians, either in Albania or Kosovo – Albanian Muslims in Kosovo – basically the KLA, the Kosovo Liberation Army which we backed heavily in that episode at the end of the century.”

Sibel Edmonds, Narco-Terror, 9/11 | 911Blogger.com

Jane’s Intelligence Review, “The ‘Balkan Medellin’,”:

“If left unchecked, this growing Albanian narco-terrorism could lead to a Colombian syndrome in the southern Balkans, or the emergence of a situation in which the Albanian mafia becomes powerful enough to control one or more states in the region. In practical terms, this will involve either Albania or Macedonia, or both. Politically, this is now being done by channelling growing foreign exchange (forex) profits from narco-terrorism into local governments and political parties. In Albania, the ruling Democratic Party (DP) led by President Sali Berisha (pictured below) is now widely suspected of tacitly tolerating and even directly profiting from drug-trafficking for wider politico-economic reasons, namely the financing of secessionist political parties and other groupings in Kosovo and Macedonia.”

Sibel Edmonds, Narco-Terror, 9/11 | 911Blogger.com

“Financial Infrastructure of Islamic Extremists in the Balkans,” Counterterrorism Blog:

“…Interest in the presence of radical Islam in Albania and its connection with the authorities was reawakened on April 11, 2007, with the broadcast of a show “Fiks Fare” on state television. The show publicized documents indicating that Abdul Latif Saleh a close associate of Osama bin Laden, was given Albanian citizenship in 1992 at the personal insistence of then-President, now prime Minister Sali Berisha. Saleh, a Jordanian, owned construction companies “Mak Albania” and “Cement Albania,” which were used to launder the money of Saudi businessman Yasin Qadi’s “Caravan” association in Tirana. In 2000, Saleh was deported from Albania on suspicion of Al-Qaeda connections, and his bank account in Tirana was frozen after an attempt to withdraw 2.4 million Euros.”

Crimes of the State: Al Qaeda Ties to Western Intelligence Services

“Ties With Terror: The Continuity of Western-Al-Qaeda Relations in the Post-Cold War Period”
© Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed

An accurate understanding of the history of US relations with the Afghan mujahideen who went on to join al-Qaeda’s international terrorist network is crucial to understanding the anatomy of international terrorism today.