Swiftweasel o outro Firefox mais rápido para GNU/Linux

Para quem use sistemas operativos livres existe o Swiftweasel que é um Firefox compilado com PGO para ser mais rápido que a versão oficial para GNU/Linux.


Mudei de Browser…Swiftweasel é mais rápido

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Ainda o ms-novell-mono(poly) desta vez através do Software Freedom Law Center

A propósito do artigo de RMS sobre os usos do ms-novell-mono, na página do Software Freedom Law Center, encontra-se um interessante artigo de Bradley M. Kuhn.
Considerations on Patents that Read on Language Infrastructure – SFLC Blog – Software Freedom Law Center

I’ve been thinking about an extension of that argument: that language infrastructure created in a community process is likely more resilient against attacks from proprietary software companies.

Considerations on Patents that Read on Language Infrastructure – SFLC Blog – Software Freedom Law Center

In the case of the community-designed and Free-Software-implemented languages, the patent risk is likely spread across many companies, and mitigated by the fact that few have probably filed patents applications designed specifically to read on the language and its implementation. Since various individuals and companies contributed to the development and design, and because it was a process run by the community, it’s unlikely there was a master plan by one entity to apply specifically for patents on the language. So, while there are likely many patents that read on the implementation, a single holder is unlikely to hold all the patents, and those patents were probably not crafted for the specific language.

Considerations on Patents that Read on Language Infrastructure – SFLC Blog – Software Freedom Law Center

Make good choices (like avoiding C#, as RMS suggests, and favoring languages like Perl, Python, PHP and C), and get on with your work.

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Do fundo do baú! “Linux chega a Portugal”

Há anos quando ainda existia o jornal A Capital, creio que era à sexta-feira que costumava sair o suplemento de informática, onde ia lendo o que se passava um pouco pelo mundo da mesma, nomeadamente os artigos do saudoso Eurico da Fonseca.

Foi num desses suplementos que conheci o software do pinguim!!!


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