10 dicas essenciais para admins de GNU/Linux

O site da IBM tem muita e boa info sobre GNU/Linux, desde dicas deste tipo até aos cursos de preparação da certificação LPI, que já havia mencionado numa outra entrada.

Eis pois as:

Lazy Linux: 10 essential tricks for admins

How to be a more productive Linux systems administrator

Vallard Benincosa (vallard@us.ibm.com), Certified Technical Sales Specialist, IBM

Lazy Linux: 10 essential tricks for admins

Trick 1: Unmounting the unresponsive DVD drive

The newbie states that when he pushes the Eject button on the DVD drive of a server running a certain Redmond-based operating system, it will eject immediately. He then complains that, in most enterprise Linux servers, if a process is running in that directory, then the ejection won’t happen. For too long as a Linux administrator, I would reboot the machine and get my disk on the bounce if I couldn’t figure out what was running and why it wouldn’t release the DVD drive. But this is ineffective.

Wikipedia Offline para todos….

[editado para corrigir a calinada apontada pelo Jorge, thanks!!!]

A mais que badalada e usada enciclopédia aberta, a Wikipedia, também está disponível para quando estamos sem acesso à web.

Deixo aqui um artigo online, o Offline Wikipedia for Linux, que descreve as diversas maneiras de termos acesso a toda essa informação, sem que tenhamos necessidade de estar online, existe no entanto um pequeno senão, uma vez que a Wikipedia está em constante evolução, de tempos a tempos convém também actualizar os dados da nossa versão offline.

São descritos diversos processos, mas o mais simples sem dúvida é o download ou compra do DVD.

Main Page – Kiwix

Kiwix is a free software developed to release an offline version of Wikipedia

Ocean blue skin example.jpg

O ano do GNU/Linux no Desktop é agora!

O velho adágio de que o ano do GNU/Linux no Desktop é sempre para o ano, terminou.

Quando uma revista como a PCWorld o recomenda em vez da coisa a que chamaram m$-window$-vi$ta, está mais que confirmado, o GNU/Linux e até esticando um pouco a corda, a versão PC-BSD, baseada no FreeBSD, estão mais que prontos para o Desktop.

Até porque pagar uma licença m$-vi$ta para depois fazer downgrade para m$-xp, só à m$ é que podia lembrar….

Eis algumas das conclusões do excelente artigo de Scott Spanbauer is a contributing editor for PC World:

PC World – Move Your Business from Windows to Linux

If that feels like a waste of your small business’s precious IT budget, and you’re still looking for an alternative to Windows Vista, look no further than Linux. The latest distributions are free, easy to install, and highly customizable; they harness your existing hardware without overtaxing it; and they include a wealth of productivity applications and utilities.

PC World – Move Your Business from Windows to Linux

Though you can purchase boxed commercial versions of Linux that include support, every Linux distribution is also available for free under the terms of the open-source Gnu General Public License, or GPL.Your software licensing fee is zero, compared with the $300 per seat for the full version of Windows Vista Business Edition. And, another bonus, Linux lacks Microsoft’s intrusive activation requirements.

PC World – Move Your Business from Windows to Linux

You can even replace your costly Exchange server installation with the free, open-source Zimbra Collaboration Suite.

PC World – Move Your Business from Windows to Linux

Whether you’re using desktop or server versions of Linux, the operating system is famous for one other important feature that Microsoft is still gradually adding to Windows: security.

PC World – Move Your Business from Windows to Linux

Linux is different from Windows, but it isn’t an alien life form. The human investment you make in transitioning away from expensive Windows and Office licenses may pay for itself quickly. More important, you’ll be free to run the desktop and server software of your choice, on hardware you can afford.