Os efeitos das negociatas das Vacinas da Gripe

Ora cá está, era inevitável depois de tanta aldrabice junta e de tanta desinformação misturada com verdadeiras campanhas publicitárias/propaganda que tentaram e de certa forma conseguiram enfiar pela goela abaixo do zé povinho o medo, terror de uma catástrofe que como alguns de nós esperávamos nunca se veio a concretizar.

Segundo os números apresentados no artigo da Renascença, terão sido 18500 as vitimas a nível mundial e 124 em Portugal, ou seja muito longe do que uma normal gripe faz anualmente, por exemplo no nosso país morrem cerca de 2500 pessoas por ano vitimas de gripe.
Como é que com estes números bem abaixo dos valores normais de mortes por este tipo de doença se vendeu o pânico de uma pandemia, ou pior como é que se elevaram os alertas a um nível de pandemia?

Tal como muitos afirmaram, de médicos a enfermeiros, a verdadeira catástrofe, o real crime foram todas as mentiras e negociatas realizadas à volta das vacinas que impingiram ao público, gastando milhões do erário público e destruindo em diversos casos a saúde das pessoas.

É claro que apesar de se dizer que se irão realizar estudos sobre o assunto, ao mesmo tempo começa-se logo a sacudir a água do capote, ou seja, antes dos estudos já vão vendendo ao público as conclusões da mesma forma que o fizeram com as diversas mortes ocorridas com fetos.

“Recorde-se que em Novembro de 2009, a Agência Europeia do Medicamento encerrou o processo que analisava a relação entre a vacina Pandermrix e vários casos de mortes fetais registados na Europa. Uma ligação entre os dois fatores foi considerada “improvável”.” [via Expresso]

É um mundo de coincidências, até as dos médicos que fazendo parte da WHO/Organização Mundial de Saúde, receberam dinheiro da Big Pharma (das empresas que desenvolveram as vacinas) e que esconderam esse facto enquanto ao mesmo tempo criavam uma onda de pânico com previsões de milhões de mortes e aumentando para o nível 6 uma suposta pandemia que nunca ocorreu.

Por fim e em relação à farsa da AH1N1, recomendo este artigo da Natural News que indica que a senhora dra Julie Louise Gerberding, directora do CDC, de 2002 até ao fim deste ano de 2009, deixou de o ser, tendo trocado o CDC por um lugar numa das maiores empresas farmaceuticas do mundo, a Merck.

Por cá já alguém viu a sra Ministra da Saúde, Ana Jorge e o director-geral da Saúde, Francisco Jorge, bem como o Primeiro Ministro, José Sócrates, abrirem a boca sobre estes verdadeiros crimes?

Mais info:

Vacina da gripe A associada a doença neurológica – Expresso.pt

Agência Europeia do Medicamento investigará possível relação entre a Pandemrix, vacina da gripe A/H1N1, e vários casos de narcolepsia, doença neurológica, detetados na Europa.

Num comunicado divulgado hoje, a Agência Europeia do Medicamento (EMA) diz que vai investigar , a pedido da Comissão Europeia, uma eventual relação entre a vacina da gripe A/H1N1 – Pandemrix -, administrada durante a passada pandemia, e 21 casos de narcolepsia registados na Suécia, Finlândia e França.

Renascença – Música e Informação Dia a Dia

Até ao momento foram notificados mais de 30 casos na Europa. Os primeiros casos ocorreram na Finlândia, que decidiu suspender a vacinação de crianças e jovens por precaução.

WHO list reveals flu advisors with financial ties to pharma, vaccine manufacturers

After months of stalling, the World Health Organization (WHO) has finally revealed the names of key pandemic advisors who influenced its decision to declare a phase six pandemic last year — a decision that resulted in a financial windfall for vaccine manufacturers. As you’ll see here, that list includes at least five expert advisors received money from vaccine companies.

Here’s who received money from Big Pharma and then influenced the WHO decision to declare a pandemic:

WHO and the pandemic flu “conspiracies” — Cohen and Carter 340 — bmj.com

Key scientists advising the World Health Organization on planning for an influenza pandemic had done paid work for pharmaceutical firms that stood to gain from the guidance they were preparing. These conflicts of interest have never been publicly disclosed by WHO, and WHO has dismissed inquiries into its handling of the A/H1N1 pandemic as “conspiracy theories.”
A joint investigation by the BMJ and the Bureau of Investigative Journalism has uncovered evidence that raises troubling questions about how WHO managed conflicts of interest among the scientists who advised its pandemic planning, and about the transparency of the science underlying its advice to governments. Was it appropriate for WHO to take advice from experts who had declarable financial and research ties with  pharmaceutical companies producing antivirals and influenza vaccines? Why was key WHO guidance authored by an influenza expert who had received  payment for other work from Roche, manufacturers of oseltamivir, and GlaxoSmithKline, manufacturers
of zanamivir?
And why does the composition of the emergency committee from which Chan sought guidance remain a secret known only to those within WHO? We are left wondering whether major public health organisations are able to effectively manage the
conflicts of interest that are inherent in medical science.

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Iraque: O mito da retirada das tropas dos EUA

Como hoje se vai assistir a muita desinformação, aqui ficam alguns dados relativos à suposta retirada do Iraque das tropas dos EUA.

Yes we can….

Sim nós podemos continuar a mentir com a maior das facilidades porque os cidadãos estão completamente adormecidos e enganados pelos nossos papagaios amestrados, os media mainstream!

Este é apenas mais um dos muitos exemplos da mudança que nunca foi nem nunca o será!

Pensemos no seguinte, algum país que gasta biliões a criar uma embaixada gigantesca e inúmeras bases num país que para além da riqueza petrolífera que detém é ainda estrategicamente central para o seu domínio imperial, alguma vez pensará em abandonar tudo isso?

Nada mais digo, creio que os dados a seguir falam por si!

via Spiegel


O novo Saddam de Baghdad – A política Imperialista dos EUA

The US isn’t leaving Iraq, it’s rebranding the occupation | Seumas Milne | Comment is free | The Guardian

could be further from the truth. The US isn’t withdrawing from Iraq at
all – it’s rebranding the occupation.
Just as George Bush’s war on
terror was retitled “overseas contingency operations” when Obama became
president, US “combat operations” will be rebadged from next month as
“stability operations”.

But as Major General Stephen Lanza, the
US military spokesman in Iraq, told the New York Times: “In practical
terms, nothing will change”
. After this month’s withdrawal, there will
still be 50,000 US troops in 94 military bases,
“advising” and training
the Iraqi army, “providing security” and carrying out
“counter-terrorism” missions
. In US military speak, that covers pretty
well everything they might want to do.

The US now wants to expand their numbers sharply in what Jeremy Scahill,
who helped expose the role of the notorious US security firm
Blackwater, calls the
“coming surge” of contractors in Iraq. Hillary Clinton wants to increase the number of military contractors working for the state department alone from 2,700 to 7,000, to be based in five “enduring presence posts” across Iraq.

List of United States Army installations in Iraq

The US Armed Forces has many military bases in Iraq:

U.S. Embassy, Baghdad – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A new embassy, which has been referred to as Fortress America[8], opened in January 2009 in the Green Zone in Baghdad.[2] The embassy complex comprises 21 buildings on a 104 acre (42 ha) site, making it the largest and most expensive U.S. embassy in the world.[9]

It is located along the Tigris river, west of the Arbataash Tamuz bridge, and facing Al Kindi street to the north. The embassy is a permanent structure which has provided a new base for the 5,500 Americans currently living and working in Baghdad. During construction, the US government kept many aspects of the project under wraps, with many details released only in a U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee report.[9] Apart from the 1,000 regular employees, up to 3,000 additional staff members have been hired, including security personnel.

United States military in Iraq – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The United States military has played a major role in the 2003 invasion of Iraq and the subsequent Iraq War. Its missions and activities there have brought a range of new challenges, and various impacts on military personnel, equipment and procedures. United States land forces in Iraq are represented by all service branches, and also include Joint command organisations.

US Military Bases in Iraq

zFact:$1 Billion for military construction For 2005 and 2006, Washington has authorized or proposed almost $1 billion for US military construction in Iraq, as American forces consolidate at Balad, known as Anaconda, and a handful of other installations, big bases under the old regime.

zFact:Asad Base is 19 square miles, has two bus routes, a car dealership, a Burger King, a Pizza Hut, traffic rules and stop signs. The proposed 2006 supplemental budget for Iraq operations would provide $7.4 million to extend the no man’s land and build new security fencing. 3/26/06 Boston Globe

zFact:The U.S. has 14 “enduring bases” in Iraq
“As it is now called, Camp Maerz is one of fourteen “enduring bases” in Iraq, and includes “satellite television and Internet cafes. The facility’s dining hall is the size of an airport hangar.” from The Army Lawyer (PDF), August 2005.

zFact:The U.S. military has more than $1.2 billion in projects either underway or planned in the Central Command region — an expansion plan that U.S. commanders say is necessary both to sustain operations in Iraq and Afghanistan and to provide for a long-term presence in the area. Washington Post

zFact:And then there is the new embassy A new U.S. embassy will cost between $600 million and $1 billion. It is to arise in Baghdad’s Green Zone on a plot of land along the Tigris River that is reportedly two-thirds the area of the National Mall in Washington, DC. The plans for this “embassy” are almost mythic in nature. A high-tech complex, it is to have “15ft blast walls and ground-to-air missiles” for protection as well as bunkers to guard against air attacks. 

Iraq Facilities

In January 2005 it was reported that the Pentagon was building a permanent military communications system in Iraq. The new Central Iraq Microwave System, is to consist of up to 12 communications towers throughout Iraq, along with fiber-optic cables connecting Camp Victory to other coalition bases in the country.

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‘A Al-Qaeda não existe’

Excelente documentário do também magnífico The Corbett Report sobre a criação do mito Al-Qaeda, a base de dados dos guerrelheiros mujahideen (quando isso interessava aos EUA), agora terroristas (quando agora dá jeito para mais altos voos dos mesmos de sempre).

Tem imagens muito interessantes que eu ainda não havia visto, como por exemplo o mentor de Obama e criador dessa base de dados bem como controlador do operacional Bin Laden, alias, Tim Osman, Zbigniew Brzezinski a apelar ao fundamentalismo religioso por forma a controlar os seus ‘guerrelheiros’, hoje terroristas, e levá-los a atacar as tropas invasoras da ex-URSS.

Al Qaeda Doesn’t Exist – about

Qaeda Doesn’t Exist is the forthcoming documentary by The Corbett
. It interrogates the theory that Al Qaeda is a centrally-operated
terrorist organization run by Osama Bin Laden that perpetrated the
attacks of 9/11. The documentary looks at Al Qaeda’s roots, its ties to
western intelligence agencies and the fictions that have been created to
enhance its myth in the corporate-controlled media.

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