Aurora… o futuro, hoje…powered by mozilla :)

“Aurora is a concept video exploring one possible future user experience for the Web, created by Adaptive Path as part of the Mozilla Labs concept series. For more, visit

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Querem participar nos futuros projectos da Mozilla Foundation? Eis o Mozilla Labs e o browser concept…Aurora

O projecto Mozilla criou um novo espaço, o Mozilla Labs, mais ou menos como o Google Labs, onde tal como afirmam, a criatividade e a ciência se encontram para desenvolver, investigar e explorar novas ideias.

Não precisamos ser programadores para participar-mos, basta tão só ter-mos ideias, boas ideias, ou pelo menos ideais diferentes.

Uma dessas brilhantes ideias já está a dar origem aquele que pode ser o browser do futuro, o Aurora.

Mozilla Labs » Blog Archive » Introducing the Concept Series; Call for Participation

Laboratories are places where science and creativity meet to develop, research and explore new ideas. Mozilla Labs embraces this great tradition as a virtual lab where people come together online to create, experiment and play with Web innovations for the public benefit.

Today we’re calling on industry, higher education and people from around the world to get involved and share their ideas and expertise as we collectively explore and design future directions for the Web.

You don’t have to be a software engineer to get involved, and you don’t have to program. Everyone is welcome to participate. We’re particularly interested in engaging with designers who have not typically been involved with open source projects. And we’re biasing towards broad participation, not finished implementations.

Tecnologia FreeBSD ao serviço do Mozilla Firefox

Um artigo que descreve o que a fundação mozilla fez para melhorar o Firefox 3 no que à utilização de memória concerne.

Murray’s FreeBSD Notes: Firefox 3 is out with FreeBSD Technologies

The most widely publicized is probably the addition of Jason Evan’s memory allocator (jemalloc) written for FreeBSD 7.0 which has been included into Firefox to reduce memory fragmentation.

Firefox 3 Memory Usage «

I carefully studied the fragmentation effects of various allocators and concluded that jemalloc gave us the smallest amount of fragmentation after running for a long period of time. I’ve worked closely with the jemalloc author, Jason Evans, to port and tune jemalloc for our platforms. It was a huge effort resulting in Jason doubling the number of lines of code in jemalloc over a 2 month period, but the results paid off. As of beta 4 we now use jemalloc on both Windows and Linux. Our automated tests on Windows Vista showed a 22% drop in memory usage when we turned jemalloc on.freebsd

The FreeBSD Project

FreeBSD® is an advanced operating system for x86 compatible (including Pentium® and Athlon™), amd64 compatible (including Opteron™, Athlon™64, and EM64T), UltraSPARC®, IA-64, PC-98 and ARM architectures. It is derived from BSD, the version of UNIX® developed at the University of California, Berkeley. It is developed and maintained by a large team of individuals. Additional platforms are in various stages of development.