Um enorme passo para uma investigação credível à queda das 3 torres do World Trade Center

Hoje li no site 911Blogger que um dos principais cientistas que contestam as diversas teses oficiais sobre as derrocadas das torres, o físico Steven E. Jones em conjunto com diversos especialistas, incluindo Kevin R. Ryan antigo head of the Environmental Health Laboratory Div. of Underwriter´s Laboratory (UL), publicaram um documento que foi aceite para ser revisto pelos seus pares no The Open Civil Engineering Journal, com o objectivo de “Abstract: Reports by FEMA and NIST lay out the official account of the destruction of the World Trade Center on 9/11/2001. In this Letter, we wish to set a foundation for productive discussion and understanding by focusing on thoseareas where we find common ground with FEMA and NIST, while at the same time countering several popular myths about the WTC collapses.”

BSP ::

The Open Civil Engineering Journal

Volume 2
ISSN: 1874-1495

Fourteen Points of Agreement with Official Government Reports on the World Trade Center Destruction pp.35-40 (6) Authors: Steven E. Jones, Frank M. Legge, Kevin R. Ryan, Anthony F. Szamboti, James R. Gourley
doi: 10.2174/1874149500802010035


Reports by FEMA and NIST lay out the official account of the destruction of the World Trade Center on 9/11/2001. In this Letter, we wish to set a foundation for productive discussion and understanding by focusing on those areas where we find common ground with FEMA and NIST, while at the same time countering several popular myths about the WTC collapses.

Keywords: World Trade Center, 9/11, Total collapse, Pancake theory, Momentum conservation, Residues
Affiliation: S Scientific Company, 190 East 4680 North, Provo, Utah, USA.

A 11 de Setembro de 2001 três torres que faziam parte do complexo World Trade Center, WTC1/2 e WTC7, ruiram sobre si próprias simetricamente em queda livre, o que desmente desde logo o famoso efeito “panqueca”, como foi descrito diversas vezes nos media, como explicação para a derrocada.

Geralmente os argumentos apresentados pelos diversos media, e que segundo estes, se baseiam em estudos e análises efectuadas por supostos “especialistas”, indicariam que as torres teriam sofrido a derrocada em virtude de enormes temperaturas, o que causaria o enfraquecimento do aço e do embate dos aviões.

Review of
‘A New Standard For Deception:
The NIST WTC Report’
A Presentation by Kevin Ryan

Yet, as Ryan notes, there is always an official explanation for terrorist events. Ryan reviews anomalies in the official account of the 1995 bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, and notes that in that case, as in the case of the World Trade Center, a small group of engineers produced reports supporting the official story.

Ryan shows that the same principals headed the various government investigations of the WTC collapses, the Pentagon crash, and Oklahoma City bombing, despite the fact that the investigations involved assessments of entirely different kinds of structures inflicted with different kinds of damage. Why do the same five or so individuals turn up in investigations relating to terrorist attack, when, according to the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), there are 1.5 million engineers in the US? The authors of the official report on the Murrah Federal Building — Gene Corley, Charles Thornton, Paul Mlaker, and Mete Sozen — were all among the initial team of the ASCE WTC investigation. Several of these individuals have strong connections to industries that benefited from the attack, such as armaments makers and oil and gas producers.

in 911 research

Tal não é verdade como o mostram diversos estudos efectuados por Arquitectos e Engenheiros e especialmente pelo físico Steven E. Jones, bem como Jim Hoffman do site 911 research e ainda Kevin R. Ryan antigo head of the Environmental Health Laboratory Div. of Underwriter´s Laboratory (UL)“.

Desde o primeiro momento que os media por todo o mundo e especialmente os dos EUA, fizeram de tudo para passar esta mensagem, apenas mostrando as imagens das torres norte e sul vezes sem conta, e nunca mostrando ou sequer mencionando a queda do WTC 7 que ocorreu cerca das 17h20m dos EUA, cerca de sete horas após a queda da 2ª torre.

Ainda mais estranha foi a notícia dada pela BBC, que cerca de 20 minutos antes da queda do WTC 7 e com o edifício visível por detrás da jornalista, esta afirma que ele já ruiu.
Como foi possível fazer semelhante afirmação quando até aquele fatídico dia, nenhum edifício construido em Aço, havia sofrido uma derrocada devido a incêndios.

Não deixa de ser interessante todo o tipo de desinformação que ocorreu minutos após as derrocadas e que no essencial explica o acontecimento da mesma forma que os relatórios do NIST e da FEMA explicam, como pode ser visto nestas imagens, onde alguém questionado por um repórter de rua no dia desses mesmos ataques dá sem dúvida início à campanha de desinformação.

A questão da queda do WTC 7 é extremamente importante, porque nenhum dos relatórios a explica, o da FEMA afirma mesmo que “The specifics of the fires in WTC 7 and how they caused the building to collapse remain unknown at this time. Although the total diesel fuel on the premises contained massive potential energy, the best hypothesis has only a low probability of occurrence. Further research, investigation, and analyses are needed to resolve this issue”, quanto ao relatório que seria apresentado pelo NIST, ainda hoje estamos à espera dele.

“NIST’s final report on WTC 7 has been long delayed and is eagerly awaited [3]. Apparently it is difficult to fully explain the complete and rapid collapse of WTC 7 with a fire-based hypothesis alone.”

O 9/11 Comission Report, relatório da comissão criada para estudar as circunstâncias que envolveram os ataques, nem sequer menciona que existiu a queda do WTC 7.

Esta comissão de investigação só foi criada 411 dias após os atentados, foram gastos na investigação do pior atentado dos EUA apenas cerca de $15M dólares, enquanto que na investigação da queda do vaivém Challenger foram cerca de $50M e no ridículo caso Monica Lewinski/Clinton, cerca de $64M.

9/11 Commission – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks, also known as the 9/11 Commission, was set up on November 27, 2002 “to prepare a full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 attacks”, including preparedness for and the immediate response to the attacks.
The commission was also mandated to provide recommendations designed to
guard against future attacks. Given its significant importance in investigating one of the most important events in American history and providing recommendations to defend the U.S. against future terrorist attacks, some have compared the commission to that of the Warren Commission of 1963–1964 in its mammoth global and national significance.
Chaired by former New Jersey Governor Thomas Kean, the commission comprised five Democrats and five Republicans. The commission was created by Congressional legislation, with the bill signed into law by President George W. Bush.

Critica a entrada no blog ABRUPTO de JP Pereira (I)

O Dr. JP Pereira queixa-se diversas vezes de ser atacado, e de existir “em Portugal um delito de opinião para o qual uma pequena turba, que só parece grande porque é alimentada pelo silêncio de muitos(…), esta turba segundo JPP “pede punição, censura, opróbrio, confissão pública do crime, rasgar de vestes. Esse delito de opinião é ter estado a favor da invasão do
Iraque e é particularmente agravado nos casos raríssimos em que se continua a estar a favor, esses então de reincidência patológica que justificam prisão e banimento.”

Como é óbvio não censuro a opinião nem do Dr. JPP nem de ninguém, quer tenham estado num lado ou de outro da barricada, cada um é livre de expressar os seus sentimentos e opiniões, pelo menos é o que defendo.

Agora, ambos os lados devem apresentar argumentos válidos nesta discussão, e não esconder FACTOS apenas porque não validam a sua maneira de pensar e opinião, e infelizmente é esta a táctica habitual do Dr. JPP, só apresenta “factos” que lhe convém, os que não cabem nessa visão são postos de lado, e pior que isso nem sequer são mencionados.

Mas o não serem mencionados pelo Dr. JPP e por José Manuel Fernandes do Público, não quer dizer que não existam ou que não sejam verdadeiros e muito válidos para a discussão.

Deixo aqui alguns FACTOS que o Dr. JPP se “esquece” de mencionar nos seus artigos.

Não tendo ainda lido o livro “The Looming Tower : Al Qaeda’s Road to 9/11“do membro do CFR, a que o Dr. JPP faz referência no artigo NUNCA É TARDE PARA APRENDER, creio que não fará referência a algumas questões pertinentes que o Dr. JPP não menciona tais como:

1º A entrevista de zbigniew brzezinski ao Le Nouvel Observateur, Paris, 15-21 January 1998″ na qual ele explica como criou os Mujahadeen:

Question: The former director of the CIA, Robert Gates, stated in his memoirs [“From the Shadows”], that American intelligence services began to aid the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan 6 months before the Soviet intervention. In this period you were the national security adviser to President Carter. You therefore played a role in this affair. Is that correct?

Brzezinski: Yes. According to the official version of history, CIA aid to the Mujahadeen began during 1980, that is to say, after the Soviet army invaded Afghanistan, 24 Dec 1979. But the reality, secretly guarded until now, is completely otherwise Indeed, it was July 3, 1979 that President Carter signed the first directive for secret aid to the opponents of the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul. And that very day, I wrote a note to the president in which I explained to him that in my opinionthis aid was going to induce a Soviet military intervention. Q: Despite this risk, you were an advocate of this covert action. But perhaps you yourself desired this Soviet entry into war and looked to provoke it?

B: It isn’t quite that. We didn’t push the Russians to intervene, but we knowingly increased the probability that they would.

Q: Some stirred-up Moslems? But it has been said and repeated Islamic fundamentalism represents a world menace today.

B: Nonsense! It is said that the West had a global policy in regard to Islam. That is stupid. There isn’t a global Islam. Look at Islam in a rational manner and without demagoguery or emotion. It is the leading religion of the world with 1.5 billion followers. But what is there in common among Saudi Arabian fundamentalism, moderate Morocco, Pakistan militarism, Egyptian pro-Western or Central Asian secularism? Nothing more than what unites the Christian countries.

2º Não é verdade que o papel dos EUA na criação de Bin Laden se possa considerar de pequena monta como afirma “Contrariamente ao que se repete por todo o lado, o papel dos americanos em “fazer” Bin Laden é muito pequeno.”, senão não se perceberia porque Bin Laden meses antes
tenha recebido no hospital americano do Dubai tratamento de diálise.

Qualquer pessoa que se interesse por estes temas, sabe da cumplicidade existente entre os serviços secretos Paquistaneses, ISI, e a CIA, pois bem, com a cumplicidade e autorização destes, Bin Laden periódicamente recebeu tratamento no hosital militar de Peshawar.

July 2, 2001: Osama bin Laden Periodically Undergoes Dialysis with Approval of the ISI

Indian sources claim that “bin Laden, who suffers from renal deficiency, has been periodically undergoing dialysis in a Peshawar military hospital with the knowledge and approval of the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), if not of [Pakistani President] Musharraf himself.”

[SAPRA (New Delhi), 7/2/2001]
While one might question the bias of an Indian newspaper on this issue, highly respected intelligence newsletter Jane’s Intelligence Digest later reports the story, and adds, “None of [these details] will be unfamiliar to US intelligence operatives who have been compiling
extensive reports on these alleged activities.” [Jane’s Intelligence Digest, 9/20/2001] CBS will later report bin Laden had emergency medical care in Pakistan the day before 9/11. [CBS News, 1/28/2002] If these stories are true, it appears Pakistan could have captured bin Laden for the US at any time. The Jane’s Intelligence Digest article adds, “It is becoming clear that both the Taliban and al-Qaeda would have found it difficult to have continued functioning—including the latter group’s terrorist activities—without substantial aid and support from Islamabad [Pakistan].” [Jane’s Intelligence Digest, 9/20/2001]

July 4-14, 2001: Bin Laden Reportedly Receives Lifesaving Treatment in Dubai, Said to Meet with CIA While There
Bin Laden, America’s most wanted criminal with a $5 million bounty on his head, supposedly receives lifesaving treatment for renal failure from American specialist Dr. Terry Callaway at the American hospital in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. He is possibly accompanied by Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri (who is said to be bin Laden‘s personal physician as well as al-Qaeda’s second-in-command), plus several bodyguards. Callaway supposedly treated bin Laden in 1996 and 1998, also in Dubai. Callaway later refuses to answer any questions on this matter. [Le Figaro (Paris), 10/31/2001; Agence France-Presse, 11/1/2001; London Times, 11/1/2001] During his stay, binLaden is visited by “several members of his family and Saudi personalities,”
including Prince Turki al-Faisal, then head of Saudi intelligence.
[Guardian, 11/1/2001] On July 12, bin Laden reportedly meets with CIA agent Larry Mitchell in the hospital. Mitchell apparently lives in Dubai as an Arab specialist under the cover of being a consular agent. The CIA, the Dubai hospital, and even bin Laden deny the story. The two news organizations that broke the story, Le Figaro and Radio France International, stand by their reporting.

4º Muito dificilmente se pode concluir, ou até afirmar que Bin Laden é considerado um pária pelos governantes da Arábia Saudita, uma vez que sempre manteve e mantém ligações aos serviços secretos Sauditas, nomeadamente com o director desses serviços, o príncipe Turki al-Faisal.

Osama bin Laden begins providing financial, organizational, and engineering aid for the mujaheddin in Afghanistan, with the advice and support of the Saudi royal family. [New Yorker, 11/5/2001]
Some, including Richard Clarke, counterterrorism “tsar” during the
Clinton and George W. Bush administrations, believe he was handpicked
for the job by Prince Turki al-Faisal, head of Saudi intelligence (see Early 1980 and After). [New Yorker, 11/5/2001; Sunday Times (London), 8/25/2002] The Pakistani ISI want a Saudi prince as a public demonstration of the commitment of the Saudi royal family and as a way to ensure royal funds for the anti-Soviet forces. The
agency fails to get royalty, but bin Laden, with his family’s influential ties, is good enough for the ISI.

intelligence secretly monitors a meeting of Saudi billionaires at the Hotel Royale Monceau in Paris this month with the financial representative of al-Qaeda. “The Saudis, including a key Saudi prince joined by Muslim and non-Muslim gun traffickers, [meet] to determine who would pay how much to Osama. This [is] not so much an act of support but of protection—a payoff to keep the mad bomber away from Saudi Arabia.” [Palast, 2002, pp. 100] Participants also agree that bin Laden should be rewarded for promoting Wahhabism (an austere form of Islam that requires literal interpretation of the Koran) in Chechnya, Kashmir, Bosnia, and other places. [Fifth Estate, 10/29/2003 pdf file] This extends an alleged secret deal first made between the Saudi government and bin Laden in 1991. Later, 9/11 victims’ relatives will rely on the “nonpublished
French intelligence report” of this meeting in their lawsuit against important Saudis.

5º “Bin Laden é daquelas personagens com intensa fé religiosa que “melhora” na adversidade mais extrema. Rigoroso, cumpridor sem falha do estrito programa de vida que se impôs, vivendo uma vida ascética, a que apenas a paixão árabe pelos cavalos dá alguma cor, juntou à sua volta gente muito diferente mas que controla mais pelo exemplo do que pelo poder. E este é o perfil típico de um homem muito, muito perigoso.”

Sem dúvida que se trata de um homem muito perigoso, mas a sua enorme perigosidade só advém dos “amigos” que tem, e que o protegem, ISI, CIA e Saudi intelligence head Prince Turki al-Faisal.

Mas depois da descrição que faz deste homem neste pequeno parágrafo e com a qual concordo, como poderá o Dr. JPP aceitar como verdadeiras as imagens da famosa cassete encontrada miraculosamente no Afeganistão em que um suposto Bin Laden se auto-incrimina em relação aos atentados de 11 Setembro 2001?

É que nessas imagens aparece um homem com maior compleição física que Bin Laden, com anéis de ouro e que, pasme-se, escreve com a mão direita, quando na realidade segundo o FBI,Bin Laden is left-handed and walks with a cane.

6º Porque razão o FBI não acusa formalmente Bin Laden dos atentados de 11 Setembro 2001?
Usama Bin Laden is wanted in connection with the August 7, 1998, bombings of the United States Embassies in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and Nairobi, Kenya. These attacks killed over 200 people.
In addition, Bin Laden is a suspect in other terrorist attacks throughout the world.

7º Como explicar diversas situações que se passam no Kosovo e Albania, onde agentes da CIA e forças SAS britânicas se misturam com mujahedeen e enviados de Bin Laden, um seu general, no treino ao KLA?

The Greek press reports that Afghan mujaheddin are entering Albania in large numbers. Osama bin Laden is named as one of those who have organized groups to fight in Kosovo to fight alongside the Albanians. According to the Arab-language news service Al-Hayat, an Albanian commander in Kosovo code named Monia is directly linked to bin Laden,
and commands a force that includes at least 100 mujaheddin. An Interpol report released on October 23, 2001 also reveals that a senior bin Laden associate led an elite KLA fighting unit in Kosovo. According to the report, bin Laden also maintained extensive ties with the Albanian mafia.

3. Al-Qaeda in the Balkans
“Successive US administrations have used al-Qaeda to pursue strategic interests in the Balkans. A further examination of this issue, however, reveals that the US-al-Qaeda alliance in the Balkans has been instrumental in facilitating successive terrorist attacks against US targets.
Nevertheless, the alliance continues to this day. As the London Spectator noted:
America’s role in backing the Mujahideen a second time in the early and mid-1990’s is seldom mentioned… From 1992 to 1995, the Pentagon assisted with the movement of thousands of Mujahideen and other Islamic elements from Central Asia into Europe, to fight alongside Bosnian Muslims against the Serbs…
If Western intervention in Afghanistan created the Mujahideen, Western intervention in Bosnia appears to have globalised it. (9)”

(…)”The policy of connecting with al-Qaeda in the Balkans continued in relation to the Kosovo conflict. As early as 1998, the US State Department listed the KLA as a terrorist organization connected to al-Qaeda. (12)
Other US intelligence reports prove that not only is the KLA funded from afar by al-Qaeda, numerous KLA fighters have trained in al-Qaeda camps in Afghanistan and Albania, and numerous al-Qaeda mujihadeen have joined the ranks of the KLA. The reports substantiate a
“link” between bin Laden and the KLA, “including a common staging area in Tropoje,
Albania, a center for Islamic terrorists.” KLA-sponsored border crossings into Kosovo from Albania of hundreds of foreign fighters include “veterans of the militant group Islamic Jihad from Bosnia, Chechnya and Afghanistan,” carrying forged Macedonian Albanian passports. (13)”

Haveria mais questões, mas creio que estas são suficientes para questionar quer o livro quer diversas afirmações do Dr. JPP, é que infelizmente o Dr JPP tem sempre a tendência a deixar de lado factos que não cabem ou não servem a tese que pretende defender.

Os atentados de 11 Setembro foram bons para Israel

Esta é a opinião do ex-primeiro-ministro de Israel e líder do Likud, Benjamin Netanyahu, expressa no jornal Ma’ariv . ::::: The 9/11 Truth Movement


are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack on the Twin

Towers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq,” Ma’ariv quoted

the former prime minister as saying. He reportedly added that these

events “swung American public opinion in our favor.”

Dá que pensar não dá?

Embora uma afirmação deste género não seja própriamente surpreendente vinda de onde e de quem vem.

Ou se calhar, explica melhor estas informações do excelente projecto, Cooperative Research History Commons:

Context of ‘3:31 p.m. September 11, 2001: FBI Issues Lookout Warning for White Van Possibly Connected to 9/11 Attacks’

The FBI issues a BOLO (be on lookout) bulletin for three suspicious men who were seen leaving the New Jersey waterfront minutes after the first hijacked plane hit the WTC (see Shortly After 8:46 a.m. September 11, 2001). Law enforcement officers in the greater New York City area are warned in a radio dispatch to watch for a “vehicle possibly related to New York terrorist attack.” The bulletin reads, in part: “White, 2000 Chevrolet van…with ‘Urban Moving Systems’ sign on back seen at Liberty State Park, Jersey City, NJ, at the time of first impact of jetliner into World Trade Center…. Three individuals with van were seen celebrating after initial impact and subsequent explosion. FBI Newark Field Office requests that, if the van is located, hold for prints and detain individuals.” The van is located a short time later and five men inside it are arrested (see 3:56 p.m. September 11, 2001). [CounterPunch, 7 February 2007.’)” onmouseout=”return nd()”>CounterPunch, 2/7/2007]

Context of ‘3:31 p.m. September 11, 2001: FBI Issues Lookout Warning for White Van Possibly Connected to 9/11 Attacks’

Five Israelis are arrested for “puzzling behavior” related to the WTC attacks. Shortly after an FBI lookout bulletin was issued for a van with the words “Urban Moving Systems” written on the side, officers with the East Rutherford Police Department in New Jersey stop the van after matching the license plate number with the one given in the bulletin. According to the police report, Officer Scott DeCarlo and Sgt. Dennis Rivelli approach the van and demand the driver exit the vehicle. The driver, Sivan Kurzberg, does not obey after being asked several more times, so the police physically remove Kurzberg and four other men from the van and handcuff them. They have not been told the reasons for their arrest, but Kurzberg tells them, “We are Israeli. We are not your problem. Your problems are our problems. The Palestinians are the problem.” Again before the police have made any mention of the 9/11 attacks, another one of the arrested men says, “[W]e were on the West Side Highway in New York City during the incident.” In fact, it will later be determined they were on the roof of a building at Liberty State Park, watching and videotaping the first crash into the WTC (see Shortly After 8:46 a.m. September 11, 2001). [Bergen Record, 12 September 2001.’)” onmouseout=”return nd()”>Bergen Record, 9/12/2001; Ha\’aretz, 17 September 2001.’)” onmouseout=”return nd()”>Ha’aretz, 9/17/2001; CounterPunch, 7 February 2007.’)” onmouseout=”return nd()”>CounterPunch, 2/7/2007] The FBI and additional police quickly arrive. They shut down the section of Route 3 in East Rutherford where the van was stopped and evacuate a nearby hotel as a security precaution. [Bergen Record, 12 September 2001.’)” onmouseout=”return nd()”>Bergen Record, 9/12/2001] One man is found with $4,700 in cash hidden in his sock, another has two foreign passports on him, and a box cutter is found in the van. [ABC News, “The White Van: Were Israelis Detained on Sept. 11 Spies?”, 21 June 2002.’)” onmouseout=”return nd()”>ABC News, 6/21/2002] Another has pictures of the men standing with the burning wreckage of the WTC in the background. [Forward, 15 March 2002.’)” onmouseout=”return nd()”>Forward, 3/15/2002] All five identify themselves as Israeli citizens and claim to be working for the New Jersey-based Urban Moving Systems company. In addition to the driver Sivan Kurzberg, the others are identified as Paul Kurzberg (Sivan’s brother), Oded Ellner, Omer Marmari, and Yaron Shmuel. The men are detained but not charged. [Forward, 15 March 2002.’)” onmouseout=”return nd()”>Forward, 3/15/2002; ABC News, “The White Van: Were Israelis Detained on Sept. 11 Spies?”, 21 June 2002.’)” onmouseout=”return nd()”>ABC News, 6/21/2002] The next day it will be reported that “bomb-sniffing dogs reacted as if they had detected explosives.” An investigator high up in the Bergen County law enforcement hierarchy will say in 2006, “There are maps of the city in the car with certain places highlighted…. It looked like they’re hooked in with this [referring to the 9/11 attacks]. It looked like they knew what was going to happen.…It looked like they knew what was going to happen when they were at Liberty State Park.” [Bergen Record, 12 September 2001.’)” onmouseout=”return nd()”>Bergen Record, 9/12/2001] The FBI will later conclude at least two of the five are Mossad agents and that all were on a Mossad surveillance mission. The FBI interrogates them for weeks. [Forward, 15 March 2002.’)” onmouseout=”return nd()”>Forward, 3/15/2002] They are held on immigration violation charges, but will be released 71 days later (see November 20, 2001). [ABC News, “The White Van: Were Israelis Detained on Sept. 11 Spies?”, 21 June 2002.’)” onmouseout=”return nd()”>ABC News, 6/21/2002]