11Set2001 – 10 anos depois, só muda o número de guerras onde os EUA estão metidos

Confesso que não tenho seguido com muita atenção o tema do 11set2001 nos últimos tempos, mas como hoje faz 10 anos a que assistimos à maior False Flag da história da humanidade, deixo aqui alguns artigos recentes sobre o tema.


“I’m afraid, based on my own experience, that fascism will come to America in the name of national security”Jim Garrison

“They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security.”
Benjamin Franklin

Antes de mais um sentimento de pesar por todos os que faleceram e que espero estejam em paz bem como para as suas famílias que hoje passados 10 anos ainda continuam muitas delas a debaterem-se por uma investigação séria e credível sobre o que realmente sucedeu naquele dia.

E ainda uma palavra para com Danny Jowenko, um especialista em demolições controladas, que infelizmente faleceu recentemente vítima de um acidente de viação.

Começo por me questionar, porque raio tenho eu com os meus impostos e numa altura em que o actual desgoverno corta em tudo excepto no que deve, vai a RTP esbanjar milhares em directos a partir dos EUA apenas e só para vender a propaganda do medo das Administrações criminosas de Bush/Obama?!

Se já assistiram a alguns deles, por certo terão percebido que nada acrescentam, trata-se apenas de mais choradinho, sem qualquer pensamento critico sobre o que realmente se passou e muito menos sobre o verdadeiro ataque aos Direitos, Liberdades e Privacidade a que os cidadãos dos EUA, UE etc têm sido sujeitos, cada vez mais, desde essa data.

Mas é claro que a máquina de lavar cá do burgo, tem diversos programas de lavagem, a do bilderberger mor, Balsemão, é a das que mais branco lava!

Trailer do mais recente documentário do projecto AE911Truth.org

Architects & Engineers – Solving the Mystery of WTC 7 – AE911Truth.org

Obama Extends U.S. Perpetual State Of Emergency Due To The Terrorist Threat

The Special US “Visas for Terrorists” Program

The decade’s biggest scam

Exaggerating, manipulating and exploiting the Terrorist threat for profit and power has been the biggest scam of the decade; only Wall Street’s ability to make the Government prop it up and profit from the crisis it created at the expense of everyone else can compete for that titleNothing has altered the mindset of the American citizenry more than a decade’s worth of fear-mongering  So compelling is fear-based propaganda, so beholden are our government institutions to these private Security State factions, and so unaccountable is the power bestowed by these programs, that even a full decade after the only Terrorist attacks on U.S. soil, its growth continues more or less unabated.

You Only Believe the Official 9/11 Story Because You Don’t Know the Official 9/11 Story

During the past 10 years I have not met a single individual who, after doing research on the subjectpen, switched from questioning the official narrative of the events of 9/11/2001 to believing the official narrative of those events.. It is always the other way around. Why do you think that is? There are good reasons for this, and I will try to explain this phenomenon right now.”

10 Lies Enshrined by H.Res. 391 to “Never Forget” 9/11

The official version of the events of 9/11 are deemed written in stone according to a new 5-page House Resolution (pdf) which was passed to Never Forget 9/11.  The intention is great, in theory . . . the facts completely warped.

George Washington’s Blog: Continuity of Government Measures WERE Implemented on 9/11 . . . Were They EVER Revoked?

While I have no direct evidence that the COG is still in effect, the fact that key players have said that the measures would be permanent, the continuous exaggeration by the administration of major terrorist threats, and the circumstantial evidence that the COG measures are still in effect all argue for their continued existence.

[este artigo já tem algum tempo, mas com no vídeo acima se pode comprovar, tudo está na mesma, o COG mantém-se como indica Obama]

9/11: The day we lost our privacy and power [printer-friendly] • The Register

This is not a new structural problem in journalism or politics. It can make it hard for many to argue against the jibe that they have “nothing to hide”. This is never true, of course, but it leads an informed audience away from the central harm, which is that it is the existence of uncontrolled surveillance and (critically) the power to act on its results, that causes harm to society. This is the “chilling effect”. Fear, no more and no less.

Enhanced fear has now been common currency for a decade. It could be why – following Winston Smith, the central character of 1984 – that since 9/11 we may all be headed to a time why we don’t understand anymore why privacy matters.

Para quem ainda continua a acreditar que os governos/administrações seriam incapazes de matar os seus próprios cidadãos em ataques terroristas, relembro a Operação Gladio e os planos referentes à Operação Northwoods.

Operation Northwoods, the 1960s government plan to fake terrorist attacks on the U.S.

At the core of the 9/11 Truther movement is the idea that the government staged the attacks to drum up support for a war. So much Truther evidence is laughable that it’s easy to dismiss the idea, but there exists a chilling reminder that the U.S. military was once all-too-willing to deceive and attack its own citizens for political reasons. That was the goal of Operation Northwoods.

The Informants | Mother Jones

If this sounds vaguely familiar, it’s because such sting operations are a fixture in the headlines. Remember the Washington Metro bombing plot? The New York subway plot? The guys who planned to blow up the Sears Tower? The teenager seeking to bomb a Portland Christmas tree lighting? Each of those plots, and dozens more across the nation, was led by an FBI asset.”

9/11: When truth became a casualty of war

How did the 9/11 attacks impact the media?

New Documents Suggest DoD Watchdog Covered Up Intelligence Unit’s Work Tracking 9/11 Terrorists | Truthout

Senior Pentagon officials scrubbed key details about a top-secret military intelligence unit’s efforts in tracking Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda from official reports they prepared for a Congressional committee probing the 9/11 terrorist attacks, new documents obtained by Truthout reveal.

Moreover, in what appears to be an attempt to cover up the military unit’s intelligence work on al-Qaeda and Bin Laden prior to 9/11, a September 2008 Defense Department (DoD) Inspector General’s (IG) report that probed complaints lodged by the former deputy chief of the military unit in question, the Asymmetrical Threats Division of Joint Forces Intelligence Command (JFIC), also known as DO5, about the crucial information withheld from Congress, claimed “the tracking of Usama Bin Ladin did not fall within JFIC’s mission.””

Canadian psychology prof says there is basis for 9/11 conspiracy theories

“Floyd Rudmin, with the University of Tromso, says those labelled “conspiracy theorists” with regard to 9/11, the John F. Kennedy assassination or any number of other dramatic events have good reason to doubt the explanations given to the public by authorities.”


“Rudmin notes that many of the organizations of people who question what happened on Sept. 11, 2001, are experts in architecture, aviation and military. “These are not wackos. These are professional people.”


Remembering 9/11: 10 Years of War

Never heard of 9/11?

5 Respostas

  1. Rumsfeld: Attack Imminent If Congress Cuts Defense

    “Former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld warned that it will only be a matter of time before America endures another terrorist attack if Congress ends up blaming the defense budget for this country’s red ink woes. “The Department of Defense is not what’s causing the debt and the deficit. It’s the entitlement programs,” he told HUMAN EVENTS in an exclusive interview. “If we make that mistake, we’re doomed to suffer another attack of some kind, and our intelligence will be less strong and less effective.”

    9/11 Inside Job: Ten Years Later

  2. omg!

    aqui deixo mais um doc sobre o 11 de setembro. Para mim este poe o ponto final a historia! O o travessao no inicio de outra!

    Pistas de Setembro – September Clues

    parece que nem sequer foram usados avioes!!

    vale mesmo a pena ver!


  3. Olá…

    Para mim a explicação mais lógica e que encaixa em todos os eventos conhecidos sobre este ataque e posterior operação para disfarçar e converter em ataque terrorista é a dada pelo Oficial russo dos Serviços Nucleares… já vi todas as outras explicações, e todas elas têm sempre algo que não encaixa com a realidade ou com os eventos que aconteceram…
    Demolição Nuclear Controlada…

  4. http://www.tvi24.iol.pt/programa.html?prg_id=3476

    Observatório do Mundo

    Documentário Internacional Às Terças-feiras, às 20.00h, no TVI24

    A maior máquina de espionagem do mundo nasceu nos EUA depois do atentado de 11 de Setembro. Com 10 anos de existência, conta com o trabalho de 850 mil americanos e ninguém sabe quais os custos deste pilar de segurança. A verdade é que esta instituição, que vigia tudo e todos e tem uma estrutura espalhada por todo o mundo em milhares de edifícios, aumenta o seu poder a cada dia… «A nova secreta americana» é apresentada em detalhe no «Observatório do Mundo», esta terça-feira, dia 4 de Outubro, às 20h, no TVI24. Todas as semanas, os grandes temas internacionais, a actualidade mundial, os assuntos que estão a dar que falar à escala mundial. No Observatório do Mundo, olhamos o mundo, com olhos de ver. Apresentado por Paulo Salvador.

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