Para quê um 7 quando temos a resposta? ‘The Answer’ o novo KDE4.2

Ora aí está, andei eu a falar nele nos últimos posts aqui do OVigia e eis que hoje sai a RESPOSTA….

Para verem melhor do que se trata dêem olhada ao guia do KDE4.2

Podem experimentá-lo sem necessidade de instalar, usando por exemplo o Debian KDE

KDE eleito Melhor Projecto de Software Livre 2008

e não nos esqueçamos que esta beleza tem muito a ver com o Português, Nuno Pinheiro

K Desktop Environment – KDE 4.2.0 Release Announcement

KDE Community Improves User Experience with KDE 4.2

KDE 4.2 (Codename: “The Answer”) Brings Improved Desktop User Experience, Applications and Development Platform

January 27, 2009. The KDE Community today announced the immediate availability of “The Answer”, (a.k.a KDE 4.2.0), readying the Free Desktop for end users. KDE 4.2 builds on the technology introduced with KDE 4.0 in January 2008. After the release of KDE 4.1, which was aimed at casual users, the KDE Community is now confident we have a compelling offering for the majority of end users.

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Dicas/Tips: Distros de GNU/Linux Leves para hardware antigo

Como já referi sou adepto do KDE, um poderoso gestor de Desktop, o qual é rápido e relativamente leve em hardware relativamente recente, o KDE4.x parece estar a ser optimizado e apesar de ter mais whistles and bells, o seu desempenho está a melhorar, a tornar-se mais rápido e leve.

Mas não me fico apenas pelo KDE, o E17, o Windowmaker, Openbox e Fluxbox são outros dos meus preferidos.

Hoje estive a brincar com mais um, o LXDE, “Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment”, extremamente rápido e leve, devido a isso é usado em distribuições de GNU/Linux para hardware mais antigo e de menos memória e capacidade de processamento.

Eis algumas dessas distros, pelo menos as que me lembrei, sem qualquer ordem especial 😉

Cooking - Geany and GPicview

tudo isto em 25Mb de ISO; [via slitaz]

Slitaz – a campeã do tamanho, cerca de 25Mb 🙂 “SliTaz is a free micro GNU/Linux distro using BusyBox, a Linux kernel, and GNU free software. The goal of SliTaz is to have a GNU/Linux distro working in memory (RAM). Installable to a hard disk, with good support for French language web, it offers reliability, high performance and PC recycling. SliTaz boots with Syslinux and provides more than 200 Linux commands, the LightTPD web server, SQLite database, rescue tools, IRC client, SSH client/server powered by Dropbear, X window system, JWM (Joe’s Window Manager), gFTP, Geany IDE, Mozilla Firefox, Alsaplayer, Gparted, a sound file editor and much more.”

VectorLinux“VL-Light turns an aging PC into a usable computer again. Living up to the VL motto of “When Choice Matters,” we give you lots of choices in a small package. JWM and Fluxbox for those who want something very light and basic, and the exciting new lightweight desktop environment, LXDE, for those who want more features. You will find xfe and pcmanfm file managers, Opera, Dillo and lynx web browsers. Xine, MPlayer, and XMMS handle Multimedia while Abiword and Gnumeric cover basic office tasks. Of course the usual Vector tools are included to make life easier for
the user.”

É baseada em Slackware.

TinyMe“TinyMe, a remaster of PCLinuxOS, is a minimalist distribution of Linux aimed at making your computing experience as bloat and lag-free as possible. We do this for those of you who have old computers, like to mess around with small/fast systems, or just want a minimal environment. TinyMe is comparable to distributions like Puppy, AntiX, and DSL. If you like small distributions of Linux, give TinyMe a try.”

Ubuntulite ou u-lite“U-lite is a community driven Linux distribution based on Ubuntu. When we say community driven, we mean much more than just support. U-lite provides owners of older hardware the choice to run lean modern software. This software is kept up-to-date, secure, and full of features users expect. Yet other groups who set out to also provide this fail the user in one regard: their product is often difficult to use. At U-lite we hope to provide a desktop operating system with sensible defaults that is easy to use.”

DSL – creio que a iniciadora deste tipo de distros, com os seus 50Mb. Damn Small Linux is a very versatile 50MB mini desktop oriented Linux distribution.

AntiX“antiX is a fast, lightweight and easy to install linux live CD distribution based on MEPIS for Intel-AMD x86 compatible systems. antiX offers users the “Magic of Mepis” in an environment suitable for old computers. So don’t throw away that old computer yet! The goal of antiX is to provide a light, but fully functional and flexible free operating system for both newcomers and experienced users of Linux. It should run on most computers, ranging from 64MB old PII 266 systems with pre-configured 128MB RAM to the latest powerful boxes. 128MB RAM is recommended for antiX. The installer needs minimum 1.2GB hard disk size.
antiX can also be used as a fast-booting rescue cd.
antiX-M7 will not run (yet) on older processors such as Pentium I (it seems that PII is ok, but PII MMX may not boot), AMD K5, and AMD
K6 as it uses an up to date i686 kernel. antiX-Spartacus should.
At the moment antiX comes as a full distro (less than 400MB) and as a base distro (c200MB). For those who wish to have control over
the install, use antiX-base.”

Puppy Linux“. . . a superb, compact, super-fast, and free operating system; Small size, around 93MB! This lends itself to some very useful and unique features; Very low minimum system requirements; Boot times, well under a minute; ‘Live’ booting from CDs, DVDs, USB flash drives, and other portable media.; Puppy is easy to use and little technical knowledge is assumed. Hardware is automatically detected. You will often find, whereas on other operating systems you had to install extra driver software to get your particular device functioning, Puppy will succesfully detect and install the driver without prompting.”

Zenwalk – “Zenwalk GNU/Linux is optimized for the i686 instruction set, but backward compatible with i486. These are the minimal hardware requirements to run Zenwalk in Xwindow mode, with correct performance (some lower configs work – ie : PII – , but might be slow) : Pentium III class processor; 128 Mb RAM; 2Gb HDD

Ou então podem sempre construir a vossa, usando desde o LFS, ou remastering uma a vosso gosto, ou ainda instalando um sistema só com o que desejam, é muito fácil, basta apenas fazer o download de uma iso como a Netinstall ou Businesscard da Debian ou usar as minimal iso da Ubuntu e depois irem instalando fácilmente o que precisam, graças ao poder das ferramentas Debian como o dpkg/APT-GET/Aptitude.

E claro para PC’s relativamente modernos não se esqueçam de experimentar a sidux, ou o gNewSense (só Software Livre).

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Atentados 11Set2001: FBI afirma que a Teoria de DEMOLIÇÃO CONTROLADA dos WTC é interessante e assente em análise consistente

O grupo de cerca de 564 Arquitectos e Engenheiros para o cabal esclarecimento das demolições do World Trade Center 1, 2 e 7 apresentou mais um documento no qual através do método cientifico e de uma cuidada análise aos acontecimentos, demonstra mais uma vez que se trataram de demolições controladas, tal como Steven Jones e Kevin Ryan já haviam demonstrado, bem como James Gourley.

O interessante é que esse documento foi enviado ao FBI, o qual respondeu através do Assistente do Director para o Contraterrorismo,Michael J. Heimbach,  tendo este afirmado na resposta a Richard Gage, o principal arquitecto deste grupo de arquitectos e engenheiros, que “o Sr Gage apresenta uma interessante teoria suportada por uma investigação e análise aprofundada”

É a primeira vez que o FBI ou alguma entidade Federal e do Governo dos EUA afirma tal, não se limitando às habituais afirmações de circunstância.

Não nos podemos ainda esquecer que o FBI mantém que Ossama Bin Laden não é procurado nem acusado por eles no caso dos atentados de 11Set2001 em virtude de o FBI não possuir provas concretas sobre o seu envolvimento, tal como aliás é visível na página do FBI dos 10 mais procurados.


Michael J. Heimbach, Assistant Director, Counterterrorism Division, FBI

The FBI’s Michael J. Heimbach, Assistant Director, Counterterrorism Division, says: “Mr. Gage presents an interesting theory, backed by thorough research and analysis.”

Click here to see the letter from Assistant Director Heimbach to Harold Saive of the Florida-based

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