Artigo na Scientific American contra o RFID – Mythbusters impedidos de emitir programa sobre a insegurança do RFID

Katherine Albrecht, co-autora de “Spychips: How Major Corporations and Government Plan to Track Your Every Move with RFID“ escreveu um artigo na Scientifica American, explicando como inadvertidamente consentimos perder as nossas liberdades e a nossa privacidade e o que está a ser feito sobre esta temática a nível dos EUA e UE. – FAQ

Q. What is RFID?
A. Radio Frequency IDentification is an automatic data capture technology that uses tiny tracking chips affixed to products. These tiny chips can be used to track items at a distance–right through someone’s purse, backpack, or wallet. Many of the world’s largest manufacturing companies would like to replace the bar code with these “spy chips,” meaning that virtually every item on the planet–and the people wearing and carrying those items–could be remotely tracked. There is currently NO REGULATION protecting consumers from abuse of this technology. >> Learn More about RFID

Digital Citizen :: RFID: Your privacy is up for grabs

Speaking of “contactless” credit cards, the Discovery cable TV channel recently scuttled an episode of “Mythbusters” (where a team of scientists explore the veracity of stories sent in by viewers) which exposes how insecure RFID tags are. Boing Boing describes the clip thusly, “Mythbusters’ Adam Savage told the folks at the HOPE hackercon about how the Discovery Channel was bullied by big credit-card companies out of airing a program about how crappy the security in RFID tags is.”.

Enjoy the YouTube video in a format you can play with free software.

Digital Citizen :: RFID: Your privacy is up for grabs

If you live in a state bordering Canada or Mexico, you may soon be given an opportunity to carry a very high tech item: a remotely readable driver’s license. Designed to identify U.S. citizens as they approach the nation’s borders, the cards are being promoted by the Department of Homeland Security as a way to save time and simplify border crossings. But if you care about your safety and privacy as much as convenience, you might want to think twice before signing up.

5 Respostas

  1. Agora, os gajos dos Mythbusters já dizem que afinal não foram pressionados:

  2. boas,

    eu compreendo-os, devem ter sido encostados à parede e sabe-se lá mais o quê.

    são interesses a mais e poder a mais por detrás de todas estas tecnologias que nos tiram a liberdade e privacidade.

    mas a verdade é que pelo menos um deles afirmou-o com todas as letras.


  3. li agora melhor o que ele disse no boingboing “the decision not to continue on with the RFID story was made by our production company, Beyond Productions, and had nothing to do with Discovery, or their ad sales department.”” e como eu já tinha percebido no video, a treta dos anúncios é só para inglês ver, é óbvio que não seria por apenas perderem publicidade, foram mas é obrigados a cancelar o episódio e ponto.

  4. […] Artigo na Scientific American contra o RFID – Mythbusters impedidos de emitir programa sobre a inseg… […]

  5. […] eu já por aqui mais do que uma vez referi, os documentos que os Estados têm vindo a aprovar e que fazem uso de tecnologia RFID, para além […]

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